Matthew 28:1-10 A Reading in Koine Greek

Easter will be here before we know it! I’ve been wanting to memorize a new portion of the Greek NT, so I decided to start working on an Easter passage so that I would have it memorized by the time Easter comes around. 🙂 I chose Matthew 28:1-10 to start with. If I finish that part before April comes around, then I can move on to the rest of the chapter!

I’ve been wanting to make some Mr. Greek Geek video content for a while now, and I thought that this would be a good way to start out. I’m inviting you to join with me in memorizing Matthew 28:1-10 by watching and listening to the following video as a way to start out with familiarizing yourself with the text.

I started out with a slow recording for those who may not be very familiar with the text, and then read it again at a normal (for me) reading rate. Finally, just for fun, I added a page from Codex Sinaiticus so that you can read an ancient version of the text while you listen!


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