Freely downloadable and printable stationery is fairly easy to come by if you just want unicorns or rainbows or something. But what if you want some nice stationery with an encouraging Bible verse written on it? That’s a little harder to come by; you might have to pay for it. And what if you want stationery with a Greek Bible verse on it? Well, that’s what this post is all about. 🙂
I had some nice English stationery on hand, so I decided to try to make something similar in Greek! It’s not quite the same, but pretty close, eh?

Here’s a clearer view:

Click on the image to download a printable PDF!
Download the full PDF here, so you can print it off yourself!
Printing instructions:
The PDF is formatted as letter size (11×8.5 inches).
Print in horizontal layout and set the scale to “None” or 100%.
Do NOT select “fit to page” or you’ll get the fine print at the bottom of the page. 🙂
Enjoy! If you’d like to receive an email when I post things like this in the future, scroll to the bottom of the page, and sign up!
If you’d like to see some more stationery like this feel free to leave a comment below with suggestions for Bible verses, etc, and I’ll see what I can do.
Free Font: Arima Madurai (Arima Greek)
Lighthouse photo by Stephen Bedase on Unsplash
Flourish image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay