A friend recently asked me whether I knew of any parallel Bibles with the Authorized King James Version and the original Greek side by side that could be purchased online. I had never seen one, so I began to research a bit, and the results were fascinating! I shall list my findings here for future reference, in case anyone else is looking for the same thing.
Print Editions
Parallel New Testament: Cambridge’s King James Version and Stephanus’ Greek 1550
By Dr. Bruce A. Klein, Th.D.
Publisher: Lulu.com
ISBN: 9781300363361
Parallel Greek Received Text and King James Version The New Testament
by Frederick H. A. Scrivener (Author), Steve Combs (Editor)
Publisher: The Old Paths Publications, Inc.
ISBN: 9781734192766
Online sample: PDF
Complete Word Study New Testament w/ Parallel Greek: KJV Edition
Ancient Greek Edition by Dr. Spiros Zodhiates
Publisher: AMG Publishers
ISBN: 9780899576527
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: According to the Received Greek Text, Together with The English Authorised Version Arranged in Paragraphs
Published by British and Foreign Bible Society
Read online: http://books.google.com/books?id=A2EwAQAAMAAJ
He Kaine diatheke = The New Testament : consisting of the Greek text of Scholz, with the readings, both textual and marginal of Griesbach ; and the variations of the editions of Stephens, 1550 ; Beza, 1598 ; and the Elzevir, 1663, with the English Authorised Version, and its marginal renderings.
by Karl William Henry Scholz
ISBN: 9781345292015 (NOTE: this is probably a low-quality fascimile reprint!)
Read online: https://archive.org/details/hekainediatheken00scho/page/n7/mode/2up
Online-Only Editions
The Greek and English Testament Η ΚΑΙΝΕ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ Ex Editione Stephani Tertia, 1550
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : According to the Authorized Version. The Greek and English Texts Arranged in Parallel Columns
Read online: https://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc1.b000948030
The parallel New Testament Greek and English : The New Testament of our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, being the authorized version set forth in 1611, arranged in parallel columns with the revised version of 1881 and with the orginal Greek according to the text followed in the authorised version, with the variations adopted in the revised version
by Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose, 1813-1891
Read online: https://archive.org/details/parallelnewtesta00scri/
The New Testament, Greek and English, in parallel columns : with various readings
by John Mill 1645-1707
Read online: https://archive.org/details/newtestamentgree00mill/
The critical Greek and English New Testament consisting of the Greek text of Scholz, with the readings, both textual and marginal, of Griesbach; and the variations of the editions of Stephens, 1550; Beza, 1598; and the Elzevir, 1633 : with the English Authorised version, and its marginal renderings
By Johann Martin Augustin Scholz
Read online: https://archive.org/details/criticalgreekan00schogoog/
Old & New Testament Hebrew/Greek parallel with KJV
The English Version of the Polyglott Bible; Containing The Old And New Testaments With A Copious And
Original Selection Of References Parallel And Illustrative Passages, Exhibited In A Manner Hitherto Unattempted
Publisher: London, Samuel Bagster
Read online: https://archive.org/details/bibliapolyglotta00lond/page/1268/
Do you know of any more parallel Bibles with the original Greek and the KJV/Authorized version? Let me know in the comments below.